Sunday, March 24, 2013

Workshop with the great Andras Schram and Mike Colon

I had the pleasure of doing a work shop the the amazing Andras Schram and Mike Colon both very well known in there field of Wedding photography it's been a amazing workshop so far he is a peek of some images I took more to come from today later so keep tuned ....

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Tuesday, March 19, 2013

The proposal !

I had the pleasure of documenting this proposal today John asked Miya to marry him and she said yes .
This was arranged by Highland Executive chauffeur so unknown to them I was waiting to document the moment . Congratulations to you both .

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I had the pleasure of documenting mike and Jamie's wedding today in Banff . There was just the two of them myself Lauren Laming from Rocky
Mountain Weddings and Marion Kutzer who did the ceremony.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Snowy day in Canmore

Its a very snowy day here in Canmore so I thought I would spend the day going though my weddings from last year :-) It brought back so many happy memories for me . I always have an amazing time with my bride's and groom's they are all so different but all have one thing in common smiles and happiness on their wedding day . Some start out a little nervous which I love to capture and then as the day goes on the interaction between the couple gets to be so amazing and i get to to document it

.I have done hundreds of weddings over the years and hopefully will done many more .....

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Location:Canmore Alberta

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